Epoxy Floors VS
Polished Concrete

Comparing two amazing floors truly does not deem one better or worse, not in this case anyways, because their benefits are very much circumstantial. Epoxy flooring offers unique qualities that can be found in polished concrete floors and there are qualities that can only be found in one of each. The decision for installing one of these amazing floors comes down to, what are you going to be exposing your floors too? How long do I truly need these floors to last and what is my budget? All of these questions should be standard ones that you begin to ask yourself when you think about installing either an epoxy floor or a polished floor. In many settings, an epoxy floor would take the prize because of its undeniable resiliency to damaging environments. Polished concrete floors bring strength and elegance into any property they are installed in. Epoxy flooring can mimic other flooring designs to appeal to many across the country.
Concrete Polishing

First, let’s start with polished concrete floors and why they are a wise decision. Polished concrete floors offer a chemically treated floor that is ground to achieve near perfection. The high-gloss and beautiful finish is a highly sought-after quality of a polished concrete floor. Not only are these floors glass-like beauties, they are also robust enough to withstand scratches, chips, or deterioration for years after installation. Polished concrete floors are great for any area that is hyper aware of its cleanliness because these surfaces do not support any mold, mildew, or bacteria growth, and they are very easily washed. Many food facilities have installed polished concrete floors because of their ability to easily abide health codes. However, it wouldn’t be a true comparison if we didn’t compare the cons to the pros. One major fall back that many heavy impact prone areas run into is that if cracks, broken, or chipped concrete is too far gone and is unable to be repaired, the concrete will require replacement or an overlay. If your concrete is simply old but still has some life in it, the chances of it tolerating a polishing process are slim and more labor would be required to ensure a proper installation. We said above that polished concrete is resistant to mold and mildew, and that is true, however there is a strict process that needs to be abided by. Polished concrete floors are vulnerable to moisture damage if they are not properly sealed on the top and the bottom. If moisture penetrates a highly porous concrete surface, you risk major foundational damages that can only be repaired by replacing the slab.
Epoxy Flooring

Now, let’s talk about epoxy flooring and how the pros and cons weigh in. Epoxy flooring systems offer a wide variety of advantages that range from aesthetics to strength. To begin, an epoxy floor is an extremely hygienic floor that is easily maintained with light mopping and sweeping. Once the coating has been installed, and it has fully cured with your porous concrete, your surface is impenetrable by fluids, chemicals, oils, or water. The strong surface isolates spills and dust, making sweeping and mopping quick and easy. Epoxy flooring offers incredible opportunities for design, not just color, texture, and patterns, true designs. Metallic epoxy is the strongest longest lasting flooring system available, but it is also the most exotic and beautiful. These epoxy floors bring to life a 3D illusion that is only achievable by talented epoxy installers. The design options are truly unmatchable. But for some pros there are also cons, and epoxy is no exception. One of the first cons that should be noted is that there are different types of epoxy floors: 100% epoxy, solvent-based epoxy, and water-based epoxy. Water based is the lowest in price, but it is also the thinnest and the lifespan is not impressive. Epoxies cure a bit slower than other flooring. When installing an epoxy coat, to achieve the level of resistance that they are known for, there may be more than one coat required.
Consider This

As you can see, some of the pros and cons overlap and none are better or worse than the other. When choosing between an epoxy floor or a polished concrete floor, you cannot go wrong; however, each will offer specific pros and cons to different areas. Remember, hire a professional, let them help guide you to your new beautiful floors.